JEC AMERICAS – 2016 Atlanta – USA – Nagrody

JEC AMERICAS – 2016 Atlanta – USA – NagrodyJak co roku, również w tej edycji JEC AMERICAS rozdano nagrody za najbardziej rewolucyjne rozwiązania z Zakresu materiałów kompozytowych.

Nagrody zostały rozdane w kilku kategoriach :

Kategoria: Design

Zwycięzca: FlexSys Inc. (USA)

Compliant design technology and software for product designers of the future
Kategoria: Testing

Zwycięzca: CETIM (France), Partner: LF Technologies (France)

Continuous Peel Test Equipment”: optimizing the tape winding process of thermoplastic composites
Kategoria: Biocomposites

Zwycięzca: Genome Prairie (Canada), Partners: University of British Columbia (Canada), The Composites Innovation Centre (Canada), University of Manitoba (Canada), Westward Industries Ltd. (Canada)

 Next-generation biocomposite materials: How the science of genomics can revolutionize the automotive sector
Kategoria: Aeronautics

Zwycięzca: ThermoPlastic Composites Research Center (The Netherlands), Partners: Fokker Aerostructures B.V. (The Netherlands), TenCate Advanced Composites B.V. (The Netherlands)

 Green PPS leading edge cover made from recycled thermoplastic composite materials
Kategoria: Transportation

Zwycięzca: Omni Tanker Holdings (Australia), Partners: GreenStorm Solutions (Australia)

 Carbon fiber composite transport tanks combining lightweight properties with very high chemical resistance
Kategoria: Automotive

Zwycięzca: Magna Exteriors (Canada), Partners: Polycon Industries (Canada), Barrday Composite Solutions (Canada), Century Tool & Gage Co. (USA)

 A moulding process that utilizes two-sided steel compression
Kategoria: Process

Zwycięzca: Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT) (Germany), Partners: HBW-Gubesch Thermoforming GmbH (Germany), Bond Laminates GmbH (Germany)

 Manufacturing and processing of tailored thermoplastic composite blanks
Kategoria: E-Mobility

Zwycięzca: Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, TU Dresden (Germany), Partners: Rehau AG + Co (Germany), Storck Bicycle GmbH (Germany)

 Innovative design for thermoplastic support frame structures: Implementation of function-integrative hollow structures
Kategoria: Sports & Leisure

Zwycięzca: Cross Composite AG (Switzerland) & C8 Sports (Switzerland), Partners: Institute of Polymer Engineering FHNW IKT (Switzerland), Toho Tenax (Germany)

 Automated production system for 3D complex, fully recyclable bicycle components

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